DTC Perspectives’ News

Bob Ehrlich Talks with STAT: Drug Makers now Spending $5 Billion a Year on Advertising. Here’s What that Buys.

March 18, 2016 by Lily Stauffer0

Despite pressure from all angles for stricter limits on prescription drug ads, the industry continues to expend billions on their campaigns. Sky-high spending has been continuously increasing over the past few years; surpassing the $5 billion mark this year. It is estimated that one quarter of this $5.2B came from five campaigns: Humira, Lyrica, Eliquis, Cialis, and Xeljanz. According to DTC Perspectives CEO and Chairman Bob Ehrlich, “there’s no doubt that [direct-to-consumer advertising] is now seen as almost a must-do for a drug that wants to be big”.

To read more about the controversy over pharmaceutical advertising, click here.


Lily Stauffer

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