Virtual Forum

Forum on the New POC
Chief Executive Officer, CheckedUp & PoC3 Board Co-Chair

Richard Awdeh, MD

Richard Awdeh, MD, CEO and Founder of CheckedUp, is a dedicated medical technology entrepreneur & highly regarded practicing ophthalmologist. Launched in 2015 and headquartered in NYC, CheckedUp is the only physician designed, 100% digital push technology focused on specialty Point of Care.

Dr. Awdeh attended medical school at Yale University, where he currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Center for Biotechnology and Innovation. He completed his training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Duke University and has served as Chairman of the FDA Dermatology Drug Advisory Committee.

As a defining leader for the Point of Care industry, Richard sits on the board and is co-chairs for the Point of Care Communication Council (PoC3), where several CheckedUp leaders also serve on the Verification & Validation and Marketing Communications committees.



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