Xpectives.Health: Virtual Forum

Hospital Forum on Women’s Health:
Impact of Femtech on Women as Healthcare Decision Makers

April 28, 2021 | 1:30 pm Eastern
Founder and CEO, Emme

Amanda French

Amanda French is the co-founder and CEO of Emme, a healthtech company that is revolutionizing birth control. Emme invented the first smart, connected pill case for birth control pill management. 

Amanda has over a decade of experience bringing innovative products to the market with a particular focus on women’s health. One of the first innovations she helped develop was a product that facilitated the distribution of antiretrovirals to mothers in the developing world to prevent the rates of HIV transmission from mother to child postpartum. This product was recognized directly by Hilary Clinton and won USAID’s Saving Lives at Birth Grand Challenge. 

Prior to founding Emme, Amanda developed breakthrough heart valve technology as an R&D engineer with Edwards Lifesciences, where she also held roles in program management, manufacturing, and marketing through the Technical Development Program. She went on to develop state-of-the-art hearing aids at Earlens. She brings her prior experience of developing innovative medical technology to drive the advancement of innovation in women’s health at Emme. 

Amanda was a 2016-2017 Innovation Fellow at the Stanford-Byers Center for Biodesign, and a Ferolyn Fellow in 2018-2019 with the Fogarty Institute for Innovation. She holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Duke University. 



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